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Site Admin
Posts: 3
Joined: Wednesday March 29th, 2023 6:55 pm MDT


Post by Admin »

Welcome to our Forum!

The Way of Kings™ is a custom designed asset protection system provider; which means the only thing the Way of Kings™ does is provide custom designed asset protection systems. Accordingly, we provide this Forum so our patrons can communicate with us, in writing, and we can answer their questions regarding the products and services we provide.

Though this Forum has existed for many years, most of the old content is now stored in old database records. Accordingly, this current version of the forum was restarted on: March 30, 2023 at: 12:55 am. Thus, if you had registered on this forum before that date, you will no longer have access to the Forum and will need to reregister.

So, once you are registered, go ahead and send us your inquiries about the Way of Kings™ or using this Forum.
Posts: 1
Joined: Saturday April 22nd, 2023 10:22 pm MDT

Re: Welcome!

Post by Svukic »

I own a farm in Australia, but I have no title or deed, nothing to prove my ownership. When I asked my conveyancer for the deed she said that it’s all virtual but did not provide me with any directions.

I am worried about the upcoming plans for the crooks who own the politicians to make a land grab and I have no way to prove my right to my land.

Even though you are in America and deal with US land patent issues, can you help me? Either yourselves with your products or by referring me to an Australian body that can?
Site Admin
Posts: 3
Joined: Wednesday March 29th, 2023 6:55 pm MDT

Re: Welcome!

Post by Admin »

:h: Svukic:
Please forgive the delay in our response.
The question you have asked has nothing to do with the Way of Kings™.

Perhaps you are referring to something related to a service Team Law may provide. If that is the case, you will have to contact Team Law directly. The Way of Kings™ has no relationship with Team Law other than the fact that from time to time we have made supportive donations to them in support of their past work performed for the common benefit of mankind; and, they have respectively granted us the privilege on nominating beneficiaries. Thus, if you desire any services or materials from Team Law you will have to contact them directly.

You may contact them through: Team Law’s Forum.

Though we are certain that Team Law can help you even though you’re in Australia, we have no referral services to any such support in Australia. In fact, we don’t believe there is any other source for such information or services like those that Team Law provides. Accordingly, we highly recommend that you contact them for your answer.

We hope this information is helpful to you.
Tell everybody about The Way of Kings™ :t^:
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